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Vihreae Kivi A Comprehensive Guide To Finlands National Gemstone

Vihreä Kivi

Vihreä Kivi: A Comprehensive Guide to Finland's National Gemstone

History and Origin

Vihreä Kivi, also known as Greenstone, is Finland's national gemstone. It is a type of epidote, a mineral commonly found in metamorphic rocks. The name "Vihreä Kivi" translates to "Green Stone" in Finnish, reflecting its vibrant green color.

Vihreä Kivi has been treasured by the Finnish people for centuries. In ancient times, it was believed to possess magical powers and was often used in amulets and jewelry.

Geological Formation

Vihreä Kivi is formed when iron-rich minerals in metamorphic rocks undergo a process called metasomatism. During metasomatism, hot fluids containing minerals like epidote seep into the rock and replace the original minerals.

The green color of Vihreä Kivi comes from the presence of iron and chromium in the epidote mineral.

Properties and Characteristics

  • Vihreä Kivi is a hard mineral with a Mohs hardness of 6-7, making it durable and suitable for use in jewelry.
  • It has a vitreous luster, meaning it reflects light like glass, giving it a shiny appearance.
  • The specific gravity of Vihreä Kivi is 2.9-3.4, making it relatively heavy for its size.

Mining and Distribution

Vihreä Kivi is primarily mined in the Outokumpu region of Finland. It is also found in other parts of Finland, as well as in Sweden, Norway, and Russia.

Vihreä Kivi is a relatively rare gemstone. It is typically found in small veins or pockets within metamorphic rocks.

Uses and Applications

Vihreä Kivi is most commonly used in jewelry, particularly in Finland. It is often set in silver or gold and used in rings, pendants, and earrings.

In addition to jewelry, Vihreä Kivi has also been used in other applications, such as art objects, decorative items, and building materials.

Cultural Significance

Vihreä Kivi is deeply ingrained in Finnish culture and history. It has been the subject of folk tales and legends for centuries.

In 1984, Vihreä Kivi was officially designated as Finland's national gemstone. This recognition further solidified its cultural significance and its status as a symbol of the country.


Vihreä Kivi, Finland's national gemstone, is a beautiful and unique mineral with a rich history and cultural significance. It is a symbol of Finland and is cherished by the Finnish people.
